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As the exclusive engine supplier to the FIM Moto2™ World Championship, Triumph Motorcycles provides all the teams with race-tuned 765cc triples, each of which is based on the class-leading Street Triple RS powerplant. With developments that allow the engine to breathe more freely, and rev harder, peak power output is more than 140PS (an increase of more than 17% over the production bike).

Recognising the closeness of competition and the depth of talent in Moto2, Triumph and Dorna also run the Triumph Triple Trophy alongside the World Championship with the winner receiving their own custom-liveried Triumph Street Triple RS at the end of the season.

A shortlist of three riders is selected by Triumph and MotoGP based on standout performances throughout each weekend and then the fans vote for their favourite on MotoGP Instagram stories. With reference to the 765cc engine, 7 points are awarded to the fan’s favourite, 6 points to the rider with the 2nd highest number of votes and 5 points for the rider in 3rd.



The 2024 season marks the sixth season of Triumph powering Moto2™ as the Exclusive Engine Supplier.

During the last five years, the Triumph 765cc triple powerplant has redefined the category, with constant development seeing new lap records being broken all the time as we move the Triumph powered Moto2 machines even closer to MotoGP bikes. This makes Moto2 a more relevant feeder series than ever and helps to supercharge the next generation of MotoGP superstars.

2024 sees a shake up in the Triumph Triple Trophy as, for the first time, the winner will be chosen by the fans.

After each race, a panel representing Triumph and MotoGP will select a shortlist of three standout riders from the race weekend. Fans will then be able to vote for their favourite on the MotoGP Instagram channel.

The winner at the end of the season will receive a custom-liveried Triumph Street Triple RS,







The 2024 season marks the sixth season of Triumph powering Moto2™ as the Exclusive Engine Supplier.

During the last five years, the Triumph 765cc triple powerplant has redefined the category, with constant development seeing new lap records being broken all the time as we move the Triumph powered Moto2 machines even closer to MotoGP bikes. This makes Moto2 a more relevant feeder series than ever and helps to supercharge the next generation of MotoGP superstars.

2024 sees a shake up in the Triumph Triple Trophy as, for the first time, the winner will be chosen by the fans.

After each race, a panel representing Triumph and MotoGP will select a shortlist of three standout riders from the race weekend. Fans will then be able to vote for their favourite on the MotoGP Instagram channel.

The winner at the end of the season will receive a custom-liveried Triumph Street Triple RS,




2023년은 트라이엄프가 모토2에 독점으로 엔진을 공급한지 5번째 시즌이 됩니다. 이 기간 동안 트라이엄프 765cc 3기통 엔진은 카테고리를 재정의 했으며, 랩 레코드를 수차례 갱신하는 등 차세대 MotoGP 슈퍼스타를 강화하는데 많은 기여를 했습니다.

765cc 3기통 엔진을 계속해서 개발하면서 2023년에는 최대엔진회전수를 400rpm 증가시킨 14,400rpm까지 확대하여 더 많은 파워로 향상된 퍼포먼스를 이뤄냈습니다.

출력과 엔진 회전속도가 높아질수록 더 강력한 엔진 구성 부품들이 필요합니다. 이를 위해 피스톤, 크랭크 밸브, 스프링, 커넥팅 로드 등 많은 부품들을 새롭게 설계해 적용했습니다.

이 모든 것들을 통해 모토2 레이스는 추월 기회도 많아지는 등 더욱 흥미진진하고 박진감 넘치는 레이스가 될 것입니다. 



2022 season

"페드로 아코스타가 발렌시아 그랑프리에서 우승하고 아우구스토 페르난데스가 2022 월드 챔피언십 타이틀을 차지했습니다.

새로운 모토2 월드 챔피언은 챔피언 타이틀을 차지했지만, 2위로 마무리했습니다. 시즌 피날레는 믿을 수 없을 정도로 접전이었는데, 그의 팀 동료인 아코스타가 우승을 차지했고, 시상대의 3위에는 토니 아르볼리노였습니다."


Moto2 Triumph 2022


레이스 당일, 제레미 알코바와 셀레스티노 비에티 두 선수는 여전히 트라이엄프 트리플 트로피를 놓고 경쟁하고 있었습니다. 알론소 로페즈는 토요일 예선에서 기록적인 레코드로 6점을 획득했으며, 이제 그에게는 베스트 레이스 진행과 가장 빠른 랩 레코드만 남아있었습니다. 

이는 제레미 알코바가 올해 베스트 레이스 진행으로 6번이나 인상적인 점수를 기록한 후에도 여전히 트라이엄프 트리플 트로피 테이블에서 1위를 차지하고 있으며, 그 중 4번의 레이스에서 10위 이상을 기록했다는 것을 의미합니다.

Moto2 Triumph 2022

2021 season

The 2021 Moto2 World Championship season was another record-breaker. As the Triumph 765cc triple continued to redefine the class with another 16 new race lap and outright lap records, the remarkable Raul Fernandez set a new record of eight victories in a rookie season on his way to winning the Triumph Triple Trophy. In a show of gratitude, he gave the award of a custom-liveried Street Triple RS to his father in thanks for all he’s done to support Raul’s career.

After the third thrilling season of Moto2 powered by Triumph, it was Remy Gardner who took the 2021 World Championship crown at the last round by just four points.

Moto2 british gp race

2020 season

Eight lap records were broken in 2020, with seven different Moto2™ Grand Prix winners. Eleven new outright circuit lap records set, smashing the benchmarks already redefined by Triumph 765cc triple power during 2019.

A new World Champion in Enea Bastianini, crowned from a title fight that went to the very last race of the season and where Luca Marini and Sam Lowes in second and third finished tied on points. Over 200,000 kilometres of flat-out racing over a condensed season of 15 rounds, 14 of which (with the exception of the opener in Qatar) were squeezed into just four relentless months

Moto2 british GP 2020

2019 season

Triumph’s inaugural year was a record-breaking debut: 16 circuit lap records and 18 circuit top speeds were claimed from the 19 races, as well as the first ever +300km/h Moto2™ top speeds. The Triumph 765cc triple powerplant redefined the class.

Moto2 british GP 2019


The Triumph-engineered 140PS+ race-tuned 765cc Triple engine exclusively powers the Moto2™ World Championship.

Close up of Triumph Moto2 motorcycle engine




To celebrate the closeness of the competition in Moto2™, Triumph and Dorna run the ‘Triumph Triple Trophy #PoweredByTriumph’.

Jeremy Alcoba on his Custom Livery Triumph Street Triple




In the first major change to the Moto2™ category since 2019, the Triumph 765cc triple engine continues to revolutionise the class:

  • 14 different race winners
  • Lap records set at 34 GPs and counting, including records which have been broken and re-broken year-on-year
  • The first ever 300+ km/h Moto2 top speed recorded at Mugello 2019.
  • And a new 301.8 km/h all-time Moto2 speed record was set in Phillip Island
  • Over 650,000 km of flat-out racing
Moto2 race 2021




Powered by Moto2™ race engine evolution, for the highest performance, highest specification and most agile Street Triple line-up ever.

Triumph Street Triple 765 Moto2



racing pedigree

The Moto2™ engine represents a milestone in Triumph’s international racing history.

For more than a century, race winners, record holders, and icons of the starting grid have chosen Triumph.

Moto2 race



clothing collection

Celebrate Triumph being the exclusive engine supplier to all FIM Moto2™ World Championship teams with this range of authentic casual wear clothing.

Triumph moto2 clothing collection